I know…

If there was one thing you could do more each week it would be spend time with students. I’m not just talking to student pastors, but small group leaders and volunteers.

You serve in ministry because you want to impact lives.

But every week you end up feeling as if you have not spent enough time with students.

Things come up. Schedules are full. Goals of connecting with students turn into a distant hope.

The biggest challenge is to simply do something!

Students aren’t waiting on a grand gesture. They want continuous connection and communication.

Here are 7 ways you can connect with students this week:

  1. Brag on Them to Their Parents

Every student wants to know that he is on the right track. The next time you see his parent at a worship service or to pick the student up from bible study, spend a minute bragging on his behavior, leadership, or the way they are engaged during worship.

  1. Text Them

Students text constantly throughout the day. A simple text communicates that you are thinking and praying for them. Creating texting groups with the small group leader and students is a great way to start conversations without the awkwardness of texting a student one-on-one.

  1. Post a “Happy Birthday” Video or Picture On Social Media

Birthdays are essentially a personal national holiday for students! Show them that you are invested by posting a funny 15 second video or picture on their account.

  1. Prayer Before Service – Hangout after Service

Most students are dropped off early for midweek worship services. You can use that time to gather them for prayer before the service. Another key area is specifying a local restaurant of hangout that everyone is invited to after the service. I will say we are hanging out for 15-30 minutes and that parents are welcome to attend. This is low cost to the student ministry because kids pay for their own treat or just goof off with the rest of the group.

  1. Send a Prayer Card

Some small group leaders send cards to first time guests or when a student misses a bible study. Something that is just as effective is spending a few minutes praying for a specific student then sending him/her a card to let them know he/she has been prayed for.

[bctt tweet=”The most encouraging thing you can do is to let students know that you are praying for them” username=”chasesnyder12″]

  1. Maximize Your Time at Midweek

It is tempting to catch up with other adult leaders when you arrive for student worship services, but you must resist this temptation. How can you maximize your time and connect with students this week at your midweek service? Saying “Hey!” to every student is a great start, but think of some ways you can deeply connect with a few students.

[bctt tweet=”The purpose of serving in student worship to invest in students, not catch up with other adults.” username=”chasesnyder12″]

  1. Personally Invite Them to the Next Student Event

Announcements do not work as well as personal invitations. Nothing communicates “We want you in our group” quite like personally inviting students to be involved in the group. This is not the sole responsibility of the student pastor – all leaders must spend time inviting students and informing parents when an event is coming up.

[bctt tweet=”Personal Invitations > Generic Announcements” username=”chasesnyder12″]

This list should give you some ideas to connect with your students this week.

How else are you connecting with students throughout the week?

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